Martina Margini

Research on Gordon Matta-Clark

During my two years of Research Master in Contemporary Arts and New Media at Paris VIII University, I had the possibility to explore the work of Gordon Matta-Clark in depth. His work had ans still has so much influence on my own personal practice, as he has always worked at the crossroad between art and architecture.

La densité du vide. Investigations sur l'idée de lieu dans l'oeuvre de Gordon Matta-Clark
This research focuses on the life and work of Gordon Matta-Clark and his life-long quest for 'building through subtraction'. I additionally realized several interviews in New York with artists and friends of Matta-Clark to research further on the topic.

In Motion / Still, Trajectoires en mouvement dans l'art contemporain
This second year's master thesis focused on analyzing how the work of Gordon Matta-Clark radically influenced other practices during and after the artist's death. I especially study how the film work of Matta-Clark took inspiration from many different fields i.e. sociology, philosophy, photography and politics.




