MINUTES is a series of short films directed by talented international filmmakers and portraying a selection of projects designed by KAAN Architecten.
Rooted in the essential belief that every building tells a story, MINUTES was first floated as a concept in 2017, when KAAN Architecten started exploring the dialogue between architecture and cinema. Four years later, MINUTES evolved into a fully-fledged cinematic oeuvre consisting of 12 short films, each less than ten minutes long.
Within the framework of this unique exploratory initiative, commissioned filmmakers were given creative freedom to realise their vision of KAAN Architecten projects. Using narrative, reference and symbolism, each film takes a different approach in portraying how architecture interacts with the world.
Participating directors: Joana Colomar, Mirte van Duppen, From Form, Chris de Krijger, Jaime Levinas, Romain Loiseau, Dorian de Rijk, Tristan Soreau, Spirit of Space, Giulio Squillacciotti, Miguel C. Tavares, Katja Verheul, Benitha Vlok